VMware Digital Workspace Newsletter - Week 47







Week 47 -  2022







Weekly highlight:


AMST-37302 - Compromised status change for Mac Devices are flooding Event Logs table (90065)

  • Upon upgrading to Workspace ONE UEM 2203/2206, your environment may exhibit one or all of the following symptoms:
  • MacOS Compromised Status events are flooding the event logs in the UEM console (Monitor > Reports and Analytics > Events > Device Events).
  • This issue is addressed through cumulative patch:
  • Workspace ONE UEM 2206 ( or higher)
  • Workspace ONE UEM 2203 ( or higher)







Week 47 Software Releases

Android Intelligent Hub 22.10 - 22.11.22

  • Support setting Domain for WPA2 Enterprise WiFi server certificate validation
    • Organizations commonly use Workspace ONE UEM to remotely configure devices to connect to WPA/WPA2 Enterprise networks. When connecting these networks, Android devices support verifying if the RADIUS/AAA server they are connecting through is trusted by checking its SSL certificate. Administrators can now specify a Domain value that Android devices can use to validate this certificate. Android only connects to the network if it can find a matching dNSName element in the Subject Alternative Name(s) of the RADIUS/AAA server certificate. 
  • Support for viewing End-user Intelligent Hub Notification Engagement Analytics in Workspace ONE Intelligence
    • In this release of Intelligent Hub for Android, we are supporting End-user Notifications Engagement Analytics so admins can see how users interact with notifications that are sent to them.
    • This includes notification metrics like viewed, opened, dismissed, and actioned on. To enable this ability, admins need to authorize the Hub Services connector in Intelligence. Admins can then build dashboards to visualize the notification engagement analytics. They can also navigate to https://developer.vmware.com/samples to leverage pre-defined notification analytics dashboard templates.



Troubleshooting Display Issues with the Horizon Blast Protocol (90139)

  • Black or a Grey Screen when connecting to a Horizon View desktop with the Blast Protocol resulting in a disconnect.
  • This article provides a troubleshooting methodology outlining typical issues with the Horizon Blast Protocol. 
  • The steps below are ordered in order of severity and frequency in order to offer a sequential method to triage potential Screen Redirection issues in your environment.
  • Resolution in KB: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/90139?lang=en_US&source=email


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