Omnissa Newsletter - Week 51




Release Updates Week 51-24: 


Omnissa Identity Service

 What’s New in December 2024

  • New provisioning app for Okta integration
    • We are excited to announce the availability of a new provisioning app, the Omnissa Identity Service app, in the Okta Integration Networks App catalog! The app makes it easier for you to set up user provisioning from Okta to Omnissa by including preconfigured settings.

To get started with your provisioning app, search for “Omnissa Identity Service” in the Okta App catalog, then select the app.

Read more about how to integrate Omnissa Identity Service with Okta in the Identity Service documentation.

  • New Status tab for provisioning errors
    • You can now use a new Status tab to monitor real-time provisioning errors. The tab displays information about the provisioning status from Omnissa Identity Service to the services that you selected to use with it (Workspace ONE UEM or Access), as well as error details for user, group, and membership objects.

We have also added an error banner on the Identity Service summary page that displays the total error count across downstream services.


Omnissa Intelligence 24.12.18

  • Beginning the week of January 6, 2025, Intelligence will be updated to reflect the new Omnissa branding.


Workspace ONE Tunnel 24.12 for Android | STAGED

  • Branding Update: New Logo and Splash Screens
    • The app now features a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
  • Bug Fixes
    • PPAT-18261 – Toggle time-out not enforced.


Workspace ONE Tunnel 24.11 for iOS

  • Branding Update: App now features a new logo and splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.


Workspace ONE Tunnel for Linux 24.12

  • Branding Update: App now features a new logo as part of our transition to Omnissa.


Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub 24.11 for iOS

  • Legacy Catalog EOL Notice: The Legacy Catalog in UEM for SaaS UEM Customers will be EOGS on August 31, 2024 and EOL on October 31, 2024. Refer to KB article for details.
  • Note: Workspace ONE Access is required for migration and if not already configured in your environment, you need to configure it. If you are using the App Catalog in Intelligent Hub, then you are already migrated and no action is needed. This applies for all platforms (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows).
  • Intelligent Hub now features a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
  • Enrollment Terms of Use
    • We are announcing support for Terms of Use that end users need to accept before they are able to access Intelligent Hub after they enroll.
    • This is configured and assigned in the Console under Settings → Devices & Users → Enrollment → Require Enrollment Terms of Use Acceptance
    • This functionality also allows for users to accept Terms of Use for other devices on their user account from another device.
  • Workspace ONE Mobile Threat Defense Phishing and Content Protection (PCP) now also supports the new Tunnel client application. The screenshots and images of Tunnel in the PCP screens in Hub show the new app


Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub 24.04.13 for Windows

  • Updated Intelligent Hub Branding to Omnissa Branding


Workspace ONE Content 24.11.2 for Android

  • Bug fixes and General Improvement.
  • ASCL-180085 - Update missed icons as part of Omnissa Branding


Cloud Admin Hub and Cloud Services 24.12.16

  • Health & Environments is generally available (GA) in Omnissa Cloud Services.
    • Omnissa Cloud Services has a Health & Environments tile upon login for both on-premises and SaaS deployments. Health & Environments provides the following capabilities:
      • Scheduling of upgrades to install patch and version upgrades on your Workspace ONE UEM commercial SaaS environments.
      • Certificate signing, which is required for Workspace ONE UEM on-premises installation.
      • Renewal of SSL certificates for Workspace ONE UEM-managed, hosting SaaS environments.
      • See Omnissa service/product status information.
      • If you are using the legacy MyWorkspaceONE for the scheduling of upgrades or for certificate signing, the system redirects you to the Omnissa Cloud Services.
    • Access the Health & Environments tile in Cloud Services on the Services page, in the Resources area.
  • We’ve updated references in Cloud Services to the Omnissa brand.


Workspace ONE ITSM Connector for ServiceNow 6.0.0

  • As of this release, ITSM Connector is compatible with ServiceNow’s new UI Service Operations Workspace(SoW).

Now, incidents opened, viewed, and worked within the SoW will have all of the investigation and remediation capabilities of the ITSM Connector including:

    • Username/Serial Number Search
    • Device Information
    • Remote Assist
    • Clear/Change passcode
    • Install Apps/Profiles/Products
    • Execute Scripts/Workflows
    • All other features available in Version 5.5.0 (released in July 2024)


Omnissa App Volumes 2412

  • Omnissa App Volumes

As part of our transition to Omnissa, App Volumes has been refreshed. This update introduces new visual elements and icons, along with significant improvements designed to enhance data visibility and streamline workflows. Additionally, the App Volumes installer has transitioned from 32-bit to 64-bit, aligning with modern system requirements.

  • MSI for Windows Endpoints

App Volumes now supports MSI-wrapped VHD packages, alongside traditional VHD and VMDK formats. This allows the App Volumes agent to operate independently within existing delivery infrastructures such as Workspace ONE UEM, Microsoft Intune, and Microsoft Configuration Manager. These MSIs streamline both the capture and uninstallation processes, reducing complexity and administrative effort. Additionally, leveraging Apps on Demand with MSIs enhances security by activating applications only upon launch, significantly reducing the attack surface.

  • App GUID Parameter for Application Capture and Application Import

Automated workflows can now specify an application unique identifier to associate packages by application. Administrators can import these packages into App Volumes Manager, where they will be automatically grouped by application, facilitating more organized and efficient application management.

  • Tagging for Azure Virtual Desktop Integration

Enhancements have been made to the Azure Virtual Desktop integration, allowing administrators to specify key-value pair tags that are utilized when creating or modifying app attach package resources.

  • Resolved Issues
    The number included after each resolved issue is used by internal issue tracking system:
    • App Volumes agent might cause a memory leak during the creation or deletion of subkeys when RegNotifyChangeKeyValue function is called in the App Volumes agent kernel driver. [AVA-24188]
    • On-demand applications are not delivered to the end user and application launch fails when app links are used after App Volumes agent is upgraded in a persistent virtual desktop which has active assignments. [AVA-24500]


Omnissa ThinApp 2412

  • Branding Update: New Logo and Splash Screens

Omnissa ThinApp has a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.

  • Licensing

With the 2412 release, Omnissa ThinApp is implementing a new license key format. Customers can download the new license key from the license portal.

  • Resolved Issues
    The number included after each resolved issue is used by internal issue tracking system:
    • When using Windows Update KB5025221 and later, some of the ThinApped virtualized applications fail due to an access violation exception. A new parameter is introduced to fix this issue. For more information, see the Omnissa ThinApp Package.ini Parameters Reference Guide. [TAPP-28]
    • When using Windows Update KB5025221 and later, some ThinApped virtualized applications fail due to the change in the Windows CopyFile API behavior. [TAPP-30]


Omnissa Access On Premises 24.12

  • Omnissa Access 24.12 is a general maintenance release that includes branding and security-related updates, connector updates, and other product fixes.
    • IMPORTANT - Upgrade-only release: Omnissa Access 24.12 is only available as an upgrade from version 24.07. A new installation of the Omnissa Access 24.12 virtual appliance is not supported. See the Upgrade section for more information.
    • Horizon app launch URL change: As part of the transition to the new company, Omnissa, and related branding changes, the launch URL for launching Horizon apps from the Intelligent Hub portal or app has changed. To support this change, we have introduced a new option in the Omnissa Access console, Enable Horizon Client with Omnissa URL.

By default, the Enable Horizon Client with Omnissa URL option is deselected. The default setting supports both the old and new launch URLs, which means you can continue to use older versions of Horizon Client such as 24.06 in addition to the new 24.12 version.

When the Enable Horizon Client with Omnissa URL option is enabled, app launch uses the new launch URL. Only Horizon Client versions 24.12 and later support the new URL. App launch will fail with earlier Horizon Client versions.

Note: The Enable Horizon Client with Omnissa URL option applies to Horizon on-premises integrations with Omnissa Access.

For more information, see Using the New Omnissa URL for Horizon App Launch.

    • OS Update: The virtual appliance OS has been upgraded to Photon 5.


Workspace ONE Boxer 24.11.1 for Android

  • In this release, we have made a few updates containing general quality and performance improvements with no new features.


Current Omnissa Security Advisories 

>>> No new Security Advisories this week <<<

Find latest advisories in the Omnissa Security Response Center


Omnissa UX Research Opportunities: 

  • Our goal is to gather insight into user behaviorsmotivations, and goals, so we can use those insights to inform and strengthen product and design decisions.
  • Interested in giving your opinion and making your voice heard? Check out what’s available!

No Research is running - see you in 2025!


KB Highlights & Announcements Week 51-24: 

How to use the WS1 Managed Hosting SaaS Upgrade Scheduler via Omnissa Cloud Services - Health & Environments (6000679)

  • This KB article provides step-by-step instructions on how to schedule a major or patch version upgrade via Omnissa Cloud Services - Health & Environments portal. Customer administrators of the portal with Managed Hosting Workspace ONE UEM environments can submit a major or patch version upgrade request through the portal. The latest cumulative patch will be applied during both major and patch version upgrade processes. A cumulative patch includes all previously released fixes, improvements, and updates, along with the new fixes or features introduced in the latest version. 


Generate Installation Token in Certificate Signing Portal (88462)

  • New Workspace ONE (WS1) customers with an on premise deployment (perpetual licenses) must generate an installation token within the certificate signing portal (found within the Omnissa Cloud Services - Health & Environments) as part of their initial Workspace ONE UEM install. This token allows them to manually install WS1 UEM on their server.
  • To provide further detail, the certificate signing portal allows customers to sign a public SSL certificate from their vendor with Omnissa's unique security key to ensure secure communication between their organization's devices and Workspace ONE UEM during device enrollment.


Workspace ONE UEM's look is being updated: New Omnissa brand identity (6000703)

  • The Omnissa team is excited to announce that the Workspace ONE UEM Console is being updated to align with the new Omnissa brand identity. Additional details below will highlight what you can expect once updated versions land in your environments early next year! 
  • In the KB are some of the key changes you can expect to see with Workspace ONE UEM version updates coming in 2025: 
    • Workspace ONE UEM updates will contain updated logos and illustrations in use throughout the console.


How to convert old format license keys to new Omnissa license key format (6000695)

  • The upcoming Horizon release will require the new Omnissa license format (Preview). If you plan to upgrade to this version, it is essential to update your current license to the new Omnissa license. This article provides key details about the Omnissa license format and guidance on transitioning from the old license.


MACOS-3206: Randomized Managed Admin Passwords Fail to Authenticate on Certain macOS Devices (DEPadmin) (89299)

  • This issue affects certain Apple Silicon macOS devices enrolled via Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) through Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager, specifically when the managed administrator account is configured with a randomized password.
  • Login attempts to the managed administrator account using the current password fail.
  • Note: Future updates (Workspace ONE UEM version 2410+) will include enhancements to address password generation issues, ensuring compliance with stricter passcode policy requirements.


ARES-30984 - Profile List View crashes when Android AMAPI profile is configured with 'Custom Messages' payload (6000675)

  • In Workspace One UEM environments from 2406 patch 4 onwards, the Profile List View will crash and display a Spaceman error if an Android AMAPI profile is configured with 'Custom Messages' payload. 
  • The localization of ‘Custom Messages’ payload is not being handled appropriately in the impacted UEM environments leading to Spaceman error on the Profile List View. 


ARES-30832 – Product Profiles Listed on Device Profiles List View (6000687)

  • In Workspace ONE UEM environments with modern SaaS architecture enabled, Product Provisioning profiles configured for Rugged devices are incorrectly listed in the Device Profiles list View (Resources → Profiles & Baselines → Profiles). The deployment tracking data for these profiles is incorrect and allows unintended actions, such as “Edit Profile” or “Deactivate,” which are not applicable for these profiles from the Device Profiles list view. 


Deprecation of Sideloading and Barcode Mobile Staging Features for Android Rugged Devices in UEM 2410 (6000701)

  • This article intends to inform WS1 UEM administrators who manage Android devices, that the following Mobile Staging features will be deprecated with the release of UEM version 2410:
    1. Sideloading
    2. Honeywell Barcode
    3. Barcode

Please note the features QR Code and Stage Now Barcode will continue to be supported for Android Rugged Devices.

  • The deprecation of these features is due to the end-of-life (EOL) status of the underlying services and platforms that supported them. Below are the specific details for each feature:
    • Sideloading: This feature was exclusively supported for Android Legacy devices. As of March 31, 2022, support for Android Legacy devices in UEM has been officially deprecated.
    • Honeywell Barcode: This feature relied on the AirWatch Honeywell Service App, which has been EOL since March 2022.
    • Barcode: The generic Barcode feature used the Rapid Deployment Client (RD Client), which is no longer supported.


Workspace ONE UEM – Modern Stack Device-Based Events are not exported via Syslog Integration (6000677)

  • As part of the transition to modern resource delivery device event generation has shifted to a new set of services. With any set of new services, we need to ensure that data is accurate and complete before those services are turned on and set to display information.
  • To this end the process of transitioning completely to the new Modern Stack services involves populating this new event data for 30 days before utilizing those services to display device events. During this transitional period Workspace ONE UEM will continue to display events from the legacy platform while new events are captured and displayed after the transitional period has elapsed, ensuring no data loss.
  • For troubleshooting purposes, if this subset of modernized events is required to validate device issues prior to this cutover please reach out to Omnissa support. Support teams will assist you with gathering and reviewing any applicable events to ensure platform consistency.
  • Lastly, this sub-set of new modernized events are not properly being submitted to the existing syslog consumer resulting in the events being omitted from the syslog event export.


Upcoming Changes to the Workspace One Intelligent Hub for Windows 24.10 (6000689)

  • The purpose of this document is to inform customers of forthcoming changes associated with the rebranding of Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows. This notice is intended to provide ample time for customers to assess and address any potential impacts on their environments resulting from these changes.
  • More information about Omnissa’s official launch can be found here - Omnissa official launch with close of KKR acquisition
  • More information about the Omnissa platform UX design and rebranding effort can be reviewed here – The Omnissa Platform: Our customer-first UX redesign


Freestyle for Mobile Devices – Latest App/Profile Version Workaround (6000660)

  • With the General Availability of Freestyle for Mobile devices in UEM v2410, the ‘Latest Version’ feature will not yet be fully supported. Skip to the Temporary Workaround section for instructions on how to send new app/profile versions to devices in the meantime. To learn more about how this feature currently works for desktop, and our implementation plan for mobile workflows, read the full kb article.
  • In UEM Freestyle for desktop, when adding an ‘Install Application’ step, admins have the option to select ‘Latest Version’.
  • This feature ensures that the workflow manifest (which is the “package” sent to the on-device agent to execute) will contain the highest available version of the app that is available in UEM, and that is what will be installed on devices. It also means that if a new version of the app is uploaded to UEM, 2 things will happen:
    1. An action will be initiated, behind the scenes, to create a new version of the workflow which contains this newly uploaded version.
    2. This new version of the workflow will be re-deployed to devices and re-run


Workspace ONE UEM – Modern SaaS Architecture Rollout – December Update (6000206)

  • Update – December 12, 2024: As we approach the upcoming holiday period and to ensure that all risk is mitigated during a critical period for many customers, the Omnissa team is implementing additional validation checkpoints during the currently ongoing set of Modern Stack enablement (CN1506/CN1380). These validation points, while resulting in a some additional time to complete end-to-end enablement, will ensure a seamless transition to all of the new features available with the modern architecture.

Once the holiday freeze period concludes, the Omnissa teams will immediately resume the Modern Stack rollout, beginning with the environments outlined above. Building on this momentum, the teams will continue to advance the rollout throughout early CY25, ensuring that all Workspace ONE UEM environments are able to leverage this comprehensive new set of features. 


Workspace ONE Modern SaaS Architecture KB’s:


High Priority KBs: 

Recently updated or added KBs (Links) 


Digital Workspace Techzone, Blog, Community and YouTube Updates 


3rd Party Blog Updates & Industry News 


Beta, Lab and Tech Preview Updates 



Sign up or LogIn [HERE] to get access to the latest Beta versions.


December Software Releases 






Release Date




Release Notes





Release Notes





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Release Notes





Release Notes



PIV-D Manager


Release Notes





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Release Notes





Release Notes





Release Notes



Horizon Cloud Service Next Gen

December 05

Release Notes





Release Notes



Omnissa Identity Services

December 2024

Release Notes





Release Notes



Omnissa Intelligence


Release Notes



Cloud Admin Hub and Cloud Services


Release Notes



ITSM Connector for ServiceNow


Release Notes





Release Notes





Release Notes





Release Notes





Release Notes



App Volumes


Release Notes





Release Notes



Omnissa Access OnPrem


Release Notes





Release Notes



Patch & Seed Script Updates Week 51-24 

OS Updates Seed Script

  • visionOS 2.3 beta, tvOS 18.3 beta, macOS 15.3 beta, iPadOS 18.3 beta, iOS 18.3 beta
  • Last Update: CW51


Seed Script for latest Device Model Information

  • Seed Script to support 
    • iPad mini 7th Generation and 2024 iMac, MacBook Pro and Mac mini
  • Last update: CW45


Workspace ONE UEM 23.02

  • Patch Level
  • PPAT-17448 - Tunnel client not reconnecting once the device regains compliance. 
  • MACOS-4942 - Smart group assignment for the macOS internal app fails to be assigned for a couple of users’ devices. 
  • CRSVC-51130 - Add code block on the UEM side to block Conditional access configured at any other customer OG if it is already configured for once customer OG within same UEM environment. 
  • AMST-42076 - Time zone displayed in Scripts tab is different from the Execution logs.
  • Last Update: CW38


Workspace ONE UEM 23.06

  • Patch Level
  • SINST-176422 - Backport .NET 8 to UEM 2306.
  • AAPP-18024 - Fix data duplication in vppAssetManagementEventData.
  • Last Update: CW50


Workspace ONE UEM 23.10

  • Patch level
    • UM-9173 - Page crashes when trying to load user group list view page.
    • RUGG-13331 - Organization group deletion fails when Relay Servers have undelivered content in the queue.
    • RUGG-13304 - Relay Servers were unable to connect to the Console when default Mac address was used in the discovery text.
    • RUGG-13040 - Products being pushed to unintended devices when assignment rules have integer-based custom attributes.
    • CRSVC-56124 - Make previous supported versions compatible to auto-update ACC.
    • ARES-29939 - Unable to save iOS Boxer application configuration when the “Enable FastSync” App Policy is applied.
    • AAPP-18323 - Cannot install user-based VPP app on device that are user enrolled.
  • Last Update: CW51


Workspace ONE UEM 24.02

  • Patch Level:
    • UM-8892 - Admin group creation UI fails to save when locale is non-English.
    • RUGG-13304 - Relay servers were unable to connect to the Console when the default Mac address was used in the discovery text.
    • RUGG-13280 - Manual Sort is not working for the manifests in Files or Actions component.
    • RUGG-13278 - Export functionality for the assigned device list in a Product is not working.
    • RUGG-13256 - Page crashing while re-processing the product on devices.
    • RUGG-13040 - Products being pushed to unintended devices when assignment rules have integer-based custom attributes.
    • FCA-208683 - Intelligence opt-in flow showing error screen after the first step
    • FCA-208159 - Remove setting for enabling in-product support from the console.
    • ESI-399 - Console enrolls device with token registered to another user.
    • CRSVC-56124 - Make previous supported versions compatible to auto-update ACC.
    • CRSVC-55376 - ITrafficThrottling does not appear to be registered correctly for Device Management - Mutual TLS CFG.
    • CRSVC-52195 - Fix Windows certificate sample sorting to avoid duplicate key error.
    • ARES-28716 - iOS Public App Search shows Page Not Found error when switching country.
    • AMST-42501 - Firewall Profile failing to install on Windows 11 systems.
    • AMST-42060 - Queue is backing up frequently.
    • AAPP-18323 - Cannot install user-based VPP app on Device that are user enrolled.
    • AAPP-18090 - VPP apps install delay.
  • Last Update: CW51


Workspace ONE UEM 2406

  • Patch level 24.06.14
    • FCA-208431 - Dual SIM iOS devices showing only one phone number in the “Device Info” section.
    • CRSVC-56153 - Incorrect installation details are reported for Apps and Profiles.
    • CRSVC-54812 - Update Seeded Mac Workflow Host.
    • ARES-30984 - Profile List View page crashes when Android profile is configured with ‘Custom Messages’ payload.
    • ARES-30580 - ‘Error has occurred’ when clicking the ‘View’ button for profiles from the custom layout of the Profile List View grid.
    • ARES-29700 - Unable to edit ‘When To Call Install Complete’ criteria for Windows internal apps.
    • AAPP-18236 - Issues creating IKEv2 VPN Payload with Credentials for iOS devices.
    • AAPP-18090 - VPP Apps install delay fixes.
  • Last Update: CW50




