Updated applications in Windows Enterprise App repository - Teams, Tunnel and more!

Enterprise App Repository

There are multiple ways in Workspace ONE UEM to deploy applications to Windows devices, but the best way to do it has to be with the Enterprise App Repository:

Techzone detailed description on how it works:

VMware Docs pages:

With the Enterprise App Repository (EAR) of Workspace ONE UEM it is so easy to deploy applications:

New applications!

There are tons of new applications available in the repository to deploy with Workspace ONE UEM. This is the list that is General Available from today on, that makes a total of 164:

  • Cisco Jabber 14 
  • Fiddler
  • Command Update
  • FortiClient VPN (x64)
  • Citrix Workspace app
  • VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel 3 
  • winSCP
  • Command Monitor (x64)
  • Microsoft Teams


This is an example in how you can deploy the new VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel 3 application:

In UEM navigate to Internal and add an Application from the EAR:

Navigate to VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel:

After clicking next there is an option to notify the administrators on new updates of the application after configuration and you could change the name, i'll leave it default for now:

Click save on the next screen and Workspace ONE Tunnel will be downloaded from the EAR to your UEM Console:

That's it! Now the application is available from the console to assign you my device:

And the assignment options are similar like any other Internal Application for Windows:

  • Make the application in the Intelligent Hub Catalog or Auto push it to devices
  • A new Deferral option where the user is able to defer the application
I have chosen to auto install AND make it available in the Intelligent Hub Catalog:


  1. Is there a public list with the supported software?

  2. No, but you can login to any UEM console and see the applications

  3. We're currently evaluating WS1, so it should be possible to see this in the trial environment? Thanks for the quick response

  4. Yes it's available in trial tenants of WS1


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