Release Updates Week 48-24:
Workspace ONE Boxer 24.11 for Android - November 2024
- Branding Update
Workspace ONE Boxer application now has a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
- Quality Improvements and Bug Fixes
Workspace ONE Boxer 24.11 for iOS - November 2024
- Contact cache control
- This feature allows users and administrators to turn off contact suggestions when composing emails while maintaining access to mailbox contacts and GAL (Global Access List), improving security and reducing the risk of sending emails to wrong recipients.
- An application-level boolean KVP, DisableCachedContactSuggestions is available in the Workspace ONE UEM console.
The default value of this KVP is FALSE. If set to TRUE, contact cache is deactivated, but users can still search the mailbox and GAL.
- A toggle Enable contact suggestions is available in the Workspace ONE Boxer application, in the Settings > Contacts section.
- When the KVP is set to TRUE, the user-configurable option in the Workspace ONE Boxer application is deactivated.
- Customizable Signature for Shared and Delegated Accounts
- A new setting Signature is introduced in the delegated or shared accounts present in the Settings menu.
- This setting gives the user an opportunity to change the signature which is applied when the user sends or replies to emails on behalf of the corresponding account.
- This setting is only local and is not synchronized across the Workspace ONE Boxer application instances or devices.
- Branding Update
Workspace ONE Boxer application now has a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
- Branding Update
Workspace ONE Boxer application now has a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
- Quality Improvements and Bug Fixes
- We’ve added Dark Theme support to reduce glare and help minimize eye strain in low light conditions. This feature is in beta.
- Resolved Issues
- FS-6293: Fixed an issue where automatic workflows based on some Horizon entities would not triggered
- FS-6590: Fixed an issue where saving a Freestyle workflow containing Hub Services actions failed with the error Failed to create workflow. Workflow contains Integration Entities that have not been enabled [workflows.internal_data].
Workspace ONE Web SDK 24.11 for iOS
- IBRW-175630: Deprecate MAG Proxy support
- IBRW-176038: Support for Safari Web inspector on iOS Web for Web page debugging
Current Omnissa Security Advisories
>>> No new Security Advisories this week <<<
Find latest advisories in the Omnissa Security Response Center
Omnissa UX Research Opportunities:
- Our goal is to gather insight into user behaviors, motivations, and goals, so we can use those insights to inform and strengthen product and design decisions.
- Interested in giving your opinion and making your voice heard? Check out what’s available!
Workspace One UEM - Compliance Policy (REFRESHED DESIGN)
- About: Provide feedback on an updated UEM Compliance Policy feature, including expanded capabilities and integrations.
- Opportunity: Variety of interactive group workshops and 1x1 conversations via Zoom. You’ll receive Omnissa swag upon completing the interviews.
KB Highlights & Announcements Week 48-24:
Deploying New Certs for WiFi Authentication (6000669)
- Enterprises often use certificates to authenticate to wifi on UEM managed devices and as intermediate or root certificates expire, profiles need to be repushed with the new certificate chain.
- This article describes one workflow that will assist customers in doing so without losing network connectivity on the devices.
- Updating wifi profile has the potential to cause the device to lose connectivity in some instances, making the device unmanageable. This article aims to reduce the risk.
Announcing Omnissa Localization Support (6000664)
- Customers around the world use the Omnissa platform to deliver exceptional employee experiences. Omnissa is excited to work with our customers and partners around the world to bring localized product UIs and documentation for our global audience.
Moving forward, Omnissa will begin to localize the product UI and documentation into the following languages:
- Japanese
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Korea
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Arabic (existing products only)
- Hebrew (existing products only)
UI issues observed in UEM Admin Console (6000385)
- Page load errors have been observed in older versions of the UEM console where in-product support is enabled. These include spaceman errors on loading some screens in the console UI and unexpected page crashes. Customers might notice requests to apigw.<domain>.com failing with a 5XX error.
- Customers must upgrade to a supported version of UEM where the API dependency has been removed:
- Customers on UEM v2302 must upgrade to or higher
- Customers on UEM v2306 must upgrade to or higher
- Customers on UEM v2310 must upgrade to or higher
Horizon Connection Server reporting Radius failed login attempts from unknown users (6000383)
- In the Application events log of the Horizon Connection server Admin Console, you see failed Radius login attempts from users that you do not recognize.
This is also evident in the Windows event application log on the Connection Server.
In the debug logs which are located in c:\program data\Omnissa\vdm\log, You will see the below.
Error_Event:[BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_RADIUS_WRONG_STATE] "RADIUS access denied for user Ortega because of incorrect state": ForwardedClientIpAddress=xx.xx.95.230
Known Issue: firmwarepasswd Command Not Applicable for M1 Devices (6000035)
- Known Issue: firmwarepasswd Command Not Applicable for M1 Devices
Product: macOS Intelligent Hub
Version(s) Affected: All versions prior to the upcoming release which is 24.04.1 for macOS Hub - Summary
The firmwarepasswd command used to check the firmware password status is not applicable for Apple Silicon (M1) devices. This issue affects how macOS Intelligent Hub reports the firmware password status to the UEM console.
Workspace ONE Modern SaaS Architecture KB’s:
- Intelligent Hub for macOS must be upgraded to version 24.07.1 to prevent macOS Profile removal from being blocked with Mod Stack
- Tagging Operations Behavior Change in Mod Stack Enabled Environments
- Smart Group exclusions now managed at version level in modern SaaS architecture enabled Workspace ONE UEM Environments (6000662)
- Application and Profile management restricted to Customer Organization Group (and Partner Organization Group) or below in Modern SaaS architecture enabled UEM environments (6000196)
High Priority KBs:
- Omnissa new world link directory
For an overview about links to customer portals and relevant information follow the above link. - Workspace ONE UEM – Modern SaaS Architecture Rollout (6000206)
Workspace ONE UEM has undergone a complete re-architecture to modernize the platform using microservices and containers to enable increased scalability and performance and increase the rate of innovation. Now after having conducted significant and careful testing, these architecture updates, including the new Modern Stack, will be deployed to UEM SaaS environments over the next several months. Also review: Introducing Workspace ONE (WS1) UEM Next-Gen SaaS. - System Migration Changes Impacting Workspace ONE and Horizon Customers (97841)
The end-user computing (EUC) division of Broadcom will transition from VMware-hosted systems to EUC-hosted systems in April and May 2024. This transition is part of our preparation to become a standalone entity following the pending acquisition of EUC by KKR.
Recently updated or added KBs (Links)
- How to configure the macOS Tunnel MDM Tunnel Profile (6000006)
- Known Issue: firmwarepasswd Command Not Applicable for M1 Devices (6000035)
- Omnissa Horizon combined offering with VMware vSphere Foundation for VDI - FAQ (6000381)
- Horizon Connection Server reporting Radius failed login attempts from unknown users (6000383)
- Deploying New Certs for WiFi Authentication (6000669)
- Announcing Omnissa Localization Support (6000664)
- UI issues observed in UEM Admin Console (6000385)
- Cleanup of Deprecated Extended Device Inventory (EDI) Attributes in UEM Freestyle (6000668)
- SINST-176422 & ARES-30052: Workspace ONE UEM Pathway to Address .NET Core 6 EOL (6000363)
- [Resolved] iOS Tunnel 24.08 TLS Handshake failed (6000365)
Digital Workspace Techzone, Blog, Community and YouTube Updates
- Omnissa named a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader
- Omnissa Technical Acronyms
- Infographic: Employees and management don’t see eye to eye on AI
3rd Party Blog Updates & Industry News
- Omnissa Community: If Intune is free, then what am I paying for?
- IGEL Blog: How IGEL and Omnissa Deliver Secure and Efficient User Desktop and Application Solutions
- Patrick Zoeller: Enable Cell Broadcasting” on Nokia Android Enterprise Devices via Workspace ONE UEM
- Rob Beekmans: High availability because downtime was not on my agenda today.
- *ICYMI* Omnissa Tech Deep Dive: Introducing Workspace ONE Tunnel Container Deployment - Recording
Beta, Lab and Tech Preview Updates
Workspace ONE Web 24.11 for iOS
- Rebranding update for Workspace ONE Web for iOS
WS1 Intelligent Hub 24.11 for iOS
- Branding updates with new icons to align with Omnissa's new brand identity
- Updates to Enrollment Terms of Use
WS1 Intelligent Hub 24.11 for Android
- Removal of device management functionality for Android (Legacy) mode. For more information, please see Action Required: Retiring Android Legacy Device Management (95399) -
- Support for inactivity timer with Workspace ONE Access. Workspace ONE Launcher has historically supported an inactivity timer setting in Workspace ONE UEM environments that are *not* integrated with Workspace ONE Access. This setting can be used to require users to re-authenticate to resume their session with Workspace ONE Launcher after a period of inactivity. With Android Intelligent Hub 24.11 and Workspace ONE Launcher 24.11, inactivity timer support is extended to environments that are integrated with Workspace ONE Access.
- Refresh Workspace ONE Mobile Threat Defense Dual Enrollment Code
- Improvements to Terms of Use
- Branding Updates for Omnissa
- Bugs Fixed:
- AAGNT-200653: Unable to Remove Product Profiles from Zebra Devices
App Volumes Physical Device Support
- App Volumes Stand-Alone Agent: App Volumes agents run in a headless mode, allowing lightweight deployment to physical endpoints without requiring a full App Volumes Manager (AVM) configuration.
- Flexible Application Management: Applications can be assigned and delivered to physical endpoints through integration with management tools, such as VMware Workspace ONE UEM, Microsoft SCCM, and Intune.
- Enhanced App Packaging: Admins can now create new MSI-wrapped App Volumes packages or convert existing App Volumes packages to MSI format for deployment to physical endpoints.
- Compatibility with Cloud Desktops: Delivers applications to both physical endpoints and cloud desktops, including Windows 365, supporting various remote work configurations.
Workspace ONE Content 24.11 for Android
- Branding Update: App now features a new logo and splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
- Enhanced audio, video, and image viewing experience.
WS1 Content 24.11 for iOS
- Branding Update: App now features a new logo and updated splash screens as part of our transition to Omnissa.
- Enhanced and intuitive camera capture experience making it easier to take photos or videos.
Sign up or LogIn [HERE] to get access to the latest Beta versions.
November Software Releases
System | Component | Release | Announcement | Release Date |
Backend | Console Installer | 24.06 | 06.11.24 | |
Backend | WS1 Intelligence | 24.11.04 | 04.11.24 | |
Android | Tunnel | 24.11 | 14.11.24 | |
iOS | Content | 24.10 | 05.11.24 | |
Backend | WS1 Intelligence | 24.11.04 | 04.11.24 | |
Android | Web | 24.10 | staged | |
Android | XR Hub | 24.09 | 11.11.24 | |
iOS | Hub | 24.10 | 11.11.24 | |
Android | Boxer | 24.11 | staged | |
iOS | Boxer | 24.11 | 28.11.24 | |
Backend | WS1 Intelligence | 24.11.25 | 25.11.24 | |
Patch & Seed Script Updates Week 48-24
- visionOS 2.1.1 (22N591), macOS 15.1.1 (24B91 | 24B2091), iOS 17.7.2 (21H221), iOS 18.1.1 (22B91)
- Last Update: CW47
Seed Script for latest Device Model Information
- Seed Script to support
- iPad mini 7th Generation and 2024 iMac, MacBook Pro and Mac mini
- Last update: CW45
- Patch Level
- PPAT-17448 - Tunnel client not reconnecting once the device regains compliance.
- MACOS-4942 - Smart group assignment for the macOS internal app fails to be assigned for a couple of users’ devices.
- CRSVC-51130 - Add code block on the UEM side to block Conditional access configured at any other customer OG if it is already configured for once customer OG within same UEM environment.
- AMST-42076 - Time zone displayed in Scripts tab is different from the Execution logs.
- Last Update: CW38
- Patch Level
- MACOS-4815 - macOS device model seeding API implementation.
- CMSVC-18185 - Disable smart group tenancy correction support from UEM production environments.
- ARES-30025 - DDUI - Removing new smart group assignment clears existing smart groups.
- AMST-42069 - Time zone displayed in the Scripts tab is different from the Execution logs.
- AAPP-17951 - Update the VPP notification status sync job to discard the duplicate notifications.
- Last Update: CW38
- Patch level
- FCA-208928 - Rollback axios dependencies
- FCA-207350 - Remove VMware Analytics from UEM console - Canonical.
- ARES-29652 - Child OG remains undeleted despite the attempt to delete it
- AMST-42465 - Seed Windows Hub x86 to UEM 2310.
- AMST-42453 - Seeding - latest SFD 23.10.5 build to UEM release - 2310.
- AMST-41549 - Remove the Version Check from Seeded Apps in the mapping table.
- AAPP-18024 - Fix data duplication in VPP asset management event data.
- AAPP-18094 - Fix to prevent returning process related exceptions except UnAuthorized on Apple callback API.
- Last Update: CW47
- Patch Level:
- PPAT-17178 - Add custom settings support for iOS and macOS (Tunnel payload).
- FCA-207350 - Remove VMware Analytics from UEM console - Canonical.
- CRSVC-55257 - Unable to delete one AD user from UEM console or using API.
- ARES-29653 - MDM AppsV1 API is not returning results for Windows devices.
- AGGL-16468 - Fix the inconsistent values for lost mode enabled column for Android devices.
- AAPP-18094 - Fix to prevent returning process-related exceptions except UnAuthorized on Apple callback API.
- Last Update: CW48
- Patch Level:
- UM-9315 - Unable to replace S/MIME user certificate.
- UM-9310 - Unable to update custom attributes for users using the Batch Import CSV.
- MACOS-5199 - Windows device is not consuming profile installation command.
- MACOS-5057 - DDM flag is getting updated to false on receiving the acknowledgement “Error” or “Not now” status.
- LUEM-889 - Include missing Linux feature flags in rollout stage.
- FS-6573 - Seed Mac Workflow Host in Canonical - Release 2406.
- FS-6358 - Increase device state response timeout to 20 seconds.
- FCA-208823 - Update Modstack API to run Migrations for non-partner environment.
- ESI-332 - Revert the single advance staging user email flow changes.
- CRSVC-54847 - Orchestrator API - New adhoc actions and other changes.
- CMSVC-18391 - Rule compilation failure in environment.
- CMSVC-18383 - Assignment group filters not behaving as expected for additions and Device or user filters.
- CMSVC-18374 - Reset the migration status of invalid smart group.
- CMSVC-18256 - Handle invalid smart group migration (Upgrade migration script).
- CMCM-191091 - Duplicate entries returned for new folder resources created on NFS repositories.
- ARES-30574 - Profiles showing “Out of Date” on UEM console.
- ARES-30567 - Deactivating a profile from Deployment Tracking page is not reflected correctly on the Profile List View page.
- ARES-30536 - View button showing wrong counts for Profiles from Profile List View.
- ARES-30199 - No devices present in the pending, excluded, and export response for Single App mode profile.
- ARES-30122 - Orphaned rules in ES for profiles with deleted assignments or deleted profiles.
- ARES-29939 - Unable to save Boxer configuration in UEM console.
- ARES-29637 - Assignment preview summary for assets shows inactive devices.
- ARES-29359 - High latencies for specific APIs such as MAM, Search, and apps.
- ARES-29164 - Time format mismatch issue in excel report.
- AMST-42418 - Seed Windows Hub x86 and ARM64 MSI to UEM console main.
- AMST-42333 - SyncML generator for Windows Defender Guard Profile does not have all the expected enum definitions.
- AMST-42319 - Default 64 bit SFD to be published when Architecture is unknown.
- AMST-42236 - Windows User Mode column showing wrong information for Android & iOS devices in the DLV page.
- AMST-42059 - Firewall Profile failing to install on Windows 11 systems.
- AMST-41802 - Time zone displayed in the Scripts tab is different from the Execution logs.
- AMST-41549 - Remove the Version Check from Seeded Apps in the mapping table.
- AMST-41216 - Wireless MAC address will not display when enrolled on LAN.
- AMST-27570 - CertificateManagement: Template validation in Windows SCEP Profile.
- AGGL-17787 - High DS CPU usage at 92% for Bg load -caused by interrogator Persistance factory trying to resolve unity frequently.
- AAPP-18083 - Back-port iOS 18 & macOS 15 Restrictions & Skip Key changes.
- Last Update: CW46
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