VM News Collector app (iOS and Android)

VM News Collector app (iOS and Android)

VM News Collector is an app developed for iOS and Android and will keep you up to date with the latest on news from VMware. It is an fling so it's developed by the community and approved by VMware.

I's available in the iOS and Android stores:


VM News Collector App is a must-have tool for every for anyone working in VMware technology.
The information you need to know on one smart and sleek news feed.
Push Notifications:
To keep you updated about any new security updates, patches and fixes VM News Collector(VMC) app monitors VMware related news and searches for new releases for each of the products in our portfolio. VMC keeps you updated through push notifications at regular intervals.

The VM News Collector App is a single source of all VMware announcements, providing users with direct access to information that is currently relevant to their environment. The App leverages the existing VMware RSS feeds, and builds an easy-to-consume format that can be used by service providers, support teams, and end users alike. Users of the App are able to securely view the available information on their mobile device, saving them valuable time in gathering crucial information from different locations.
Impact Analysis:
VMNC helps you understand the impact, view active vulnerabilities affecting your products and restore any outstanding fixes that are recommended by VMware.   VMNC helps you easily track updates for products in your environment.

Easy Browsing:
Browse through the news of your favorite VMware software products. Search by product name to filter news according to your preferences.

Stay Up-to-Date:
It helps you stay up-to-date on the latest Vault features, vulnerabilities, technical issues, and new releases.
Stay up to date in the industry and latest technologies by reading about vulnerabilities and fixes; temporary fixes, patch releases, and existing workarounds. This app collects vulnerability and solution news from multiple sources.
